Anyone attending the Muskingum County Fair including Junior Fair Exhibitors, Open Class Exhibitors, Parents, Advisors, Volunteers, Family Members, Spectators, Show Superintendents, Judges Committee Members, Fair Officials and other adults participating in any Muskingum County Fairgrounds events shall conduct themselves in such a manner that does not cause an inconvenience, annoy, or alarm others by the following: fighting, threatening others with injury or property damage or engaging in other violent behavior, making excessive noise, saying anything offensive or abusive, or making obscene gestures.

The act of purchasing an entry ticket to the fairgrounds, participation and/or attending such events on the Muskingum County Fairgrounds is giving verification that you will abide by the code of conduct and understand the consequences and penalties for actions prohibited by the code of conduct.

  1. Fair attendees must adhere to program rules, curfews, dress codes, policies, and rules of the Muskingum County Fair.
  2. Abstain from illegal behaviors, use of alcohol, illegal or illicit drugs and tobacco during fair events and activities in restricted areas.
  3. Respect other's property and privacy rights.
  4. Abstain from child abuse (physical and/or verbal) and harassment.
  5. Accept personal responsibility for behavior.
  6. Be responsible for any financial damage caused by inappropriate behavior.
  7. Fair attendees must refrain from Bullying of any persons attending the

Muskingum County Fair or others events.

  1. Bullying is defined as:

Physical: use of force, or aggressive behavior;

Verbal: name calling, making threats; coercion;

Social: excluding others, spreading rumors;

Sexual: making negative comments or gestures to another individual;

Cyber: email, text messaging, MSN, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snap Chat or other social media sources.

No person will be allowed to interfere with the judges during their examination of stock or other articles. Any person who may either by letter or person, interfere with the judges though receiving awards will not be paid the premium. Violation of his will be brought before the Muskingum County Agricultural Society board of directors for a decision on what sanctions that may be given including a verbal warning, written warning, written warning with suspension of future both Junior and Senior Muskingum County Fairs. All decisions made by The Muskingum County Agricultural Society Board of Directors are Final.

No motorized vehicles (golf carts, motorcycles, ATV's, etc. or any bicycles), permitted on fairgrounds that are not authorized by the Muskingum County Agricultural Society. All service vehicles are not permitted on midway from 10 AM to 11 PM. No dogs allowed on fairgrounds (except service dogs).

Muskingum County Fairgrounds Zanesville Ohio USA

The Muskingum County Fairgrounds

  • The Muskingum County Agricultural Society Inc. is a non-profit organization, made up of concerned citizens that are dedicated to preserving and promoting agriculture, horticulture, quality livestock, domestic arts and science. We aimto provide the youth of Muskingum County the opportunity to showcase their achievements within a supportive environment and to provide the residents of Muskingum County the opportunity to gather as one family regardless of race, age, sex or religious beliefs for one week each year to celebrate our community.
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